
Phone: 13506750772
Products Center


13506750772(Mr. Zhang)13905856708(Mr. Ding)


Time:2024/1/5 14:26:56



13506750772(Mr. Zhang)13905856708(Mr. Ding)

Detail / Introduction
The advantages of the bushing include: Protecting the shaft: The main function of the bushing is to support and guide the movement of the shaft, reducing friction and wear of the shaft. Therefore, the bushing can effectively protect the shaft and other components, extend the service life of the shaft, and avoid the failure of the shaft due to excessive wear

2. Improve accuracy: The bushing can support and guide the movement of the shaft, improving the accuracy of the shaft's movement. Especially in the machining process, bushings can help ensure the movement trajectory and posture of the shaft, thereby improving the accuracy of mechanical parts

3. Absorption of shock and vibration: In practical applications, the lining can effectively absorb shock and vibration, protect the shaft from external vibrations and impacts, and ensure its stable operation

4. Low cost: Compared with bearings, the cost of bushings is relatively low, making them suitable for some low-speed and heavy-duty applications. Moreover, the liner itself has good self-lubricating performance and low operating noise, making it more cost-effective in maintenance and upkeep

5. Wide application range: The selection of lining materials is very wide, including metal, plastic, ceramic, oil-free lining, etc. Suitable materials can be selected according to actual needs. At the same time, the production methods of liners also include casting, forging, and machining, which can adapt to different production needs